Janine Bisaillon-Cary, President of the Maine International Trade Center and the State Director of International Trade

Janine Bisaillon – Cary

Janine Bisaillon-Cary is President of the Maine International Trade Center as well as the State Director of International Trade.  In addition to leading the Trade Center and consulting with Maine’s internationally active industries, Ms. Bisaillon-Cary serves on the boards of the Maine Port Authority, the Eastern Trade Council, and the International Business and Logistics Industry Advisory Board at Maine Maritime Academy. Ms. Bisaillon-Cary is the former Vice President of MITC as well as the former Vice President of Resource Trading Company.  She holds a B.A. in Economics and French from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst; a Certificate of French History and Literature from the Sorbonne University, and a Global Leaders Executive Education Certificate from Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business.  Ms. Bisaillon-Cary has worked for over twenty years in international markets, including the seafood export and consumer goods import markets. Her work has focused mostly on Western Europe, Latin America, and East Asia.