Blog Archives

Camps #134

Maine summer camps offer a unique opportunity for young people. For generations, children have come to our beautiful state to experience the wonder of the outdoors, and to gain life skills such as independence. They have also created lasting relationships with their peers. Today we speak with two individuals who were so changed by their own years as campers that they became camp directors, so as to bring camp happiness to children from Maine and around the globe.

Camps #134 Transcription
Snowy Trail Overlooking Snowy Trees

Wellness in the New Year #121

A new year is upon us and we are all thinking about ways we might live better lives. Joining us today are people who help others do just that. Maine magazine 2012 “Super Doc,” Dr. Robin Noble, shares how she counsels women in her practice to achieve balance, while Dr. Tim Howe and his wife Lyn describe their “Lifestyle Choices” program at Parkview Hospital in Brunswick. They offer insights on plant-based eating and the importance of spirituality in creating change.

Wellness in the New Year #121 Transcription

Back to School #52

How do you educate kids about money, get more veggies in their diet and help them deal with emotional issues surrounding September-ish transitions? Tune in to our “Back to School” show, featuring Tom Shepard of “Currency Camp,” Maggie Knowles and Elizabeth Fraser of Kids Gone Raw and licensed professional counselor Travis Wiggett.

Back to School #52 Transcription