Evelyn Dunphy

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Watercolors and pastels

596 Foster Point Road
West Bath, ME 04530
[email protected]


A Signature member of the New England Watercolor Society and juried member of the International Guild of Realism, Evelyn Dunphy’s paintings have been exhibited and given awards in many national and international watercolor exhibitions. Two still life paintings have just received international recognition: First Prize in the National Watercolor Society’s 2012 All-Members Exhibit and the Daniel Smith Award in the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor’s Open Water exhibit in Toronto. Dunphy is recognized in Maine for her paintings of Mount Katahdin, being the first “Visiting Artist” in the history of Baxter State Park, and the first artist to receive the National Resource Council of Maine’s “People’s Choice” award for her contribution to conservation in Maine. She conducts workshops in her studio in West Bath, Maine, as well as at the site of Frederic Church’s camp on Millinocket Lake, Maine, New York State Historic site, Olana, Church’s home on the Hudson River, Ireland, New Mexico, Nova Scotia, and Tuscany.

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