
Ongoing Events


Is Mozart in Maine?

In this romantic musical comedy, Mozart is mysteriously transported into the future where he is adopted by a coastal village at the height of tourist season. He saves the local music festival, falls for a beautiful diva and leaves everyone changed forever. General Admission Tickets $12-$20 at 



Casey Abrams accompanied by the Maine Youth Rock Orchestra

All around musical wunderkind Casey Abrams has built a strong following through the years building on his public debut on American Idol in 2011.

The Maine Youth Rock Orchestra (MYRO) is a 501(c)(3) organization that gives classical orchestral students opportunities to collaborate and perform with professional touring artists.


The Parthenon: Curse of Minerva, History and Controversy

Lecture by archaeologist/art historian Rolf Winkes. Should the British Museum return the sculptures that Lord Elgin removed from the Parthenon? Greek wine & appetizers will be served. Event is free & open to the public. 


CIFF Selects Presents Mountain

A unique cinematic and musical collaboration between the Australian Chamber Orchestra and BAFTA-nominated director Jennifer Peedom (SHERPA), Mountain is a dazzling exploration of our obsession with mountains. General Admission tickets $10 at the door.


The Capitol Steps

  • Contact: 207.594.0070
  • More Information: Website

The Capitol Steps, a Washington DC-based comedy troupe, was born in December, 1981 when some staffers for Senator Charles Percy were planning entertainment for a Christmas party. Their first idea was to stage a nativity play, but in the whole Congress they couldn’t find three wise men or a virgin. So, they decided to dig into the headlines of the day, and they created song parodies & skits which conveyed a special brand of satirical humor.

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