
Every day we comb through our Instagram feed to find images from followers documenting our state. On Instagram we share a capture of the day, and each month in Maine magazine we highlight one of those photos.

The stars always look brighter when you’re farther away from the city. When we were invited to stay at a friend’s family camp in Aroostook County this past October, I had to take advantage of the opportunity. This shot was taken in New Canada, a town next to Fort Kent, on the Fish River. It was a full moon that night, so I only had a small window of time between sunset and moonrise to fully capture the Milky Way. My buddy in the shot is Ben Manning, who recently returned home to Maine after serving for nine years as a Navy SEAL. My wife and I have lived in Maine our whole lives, and we had never been up to the Fort Kent area before. I’m so glad we took this last trip up north before we pack up our family and hit the road in an RV for the next year. Maine, we are going to miss you, but you will always be home.