Tim Harrington + Juan Urtubey
STYLE-March 2010
Photograph by Shoshannah White
Ages: Both 46
Occupation: Real-estate developers and hoteliers
Location: Their latest project, Goodall Health Center and the Quest Fitness Complex in Kennebunk
Describe your style.
Juan: Rock-star chic
Tim: Dressed-up casual
Where are you from?
Juan: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tim: Lexington, Massachusetts
And where do you live?
We split our time between Kennebunkport, Miami, and Buenos Aires.
Have you been singled out for your style before?
Our design projects have been getting a lot of press lately, especially Hidden Pond.
Best gift you’ve received?
Tim: Juan recently loaded an iPod for me, hand-picking all my favorite seventies music.
Always in your fridge…
Are you an expert on any subject?
Yes, navigating airports
Do you own anything that really represents you?
Our homes: comfortable with just a little bit of glamour.
Who inspires you?
Mother Earth. We’ve been hanging around landscape designer Ted Carter too long.
What are you reading?
My Father My President, The Last Lion, Vanity Fair, The New York Times, and anything Pat Conroy writes.
Do you collect anything?
Frequent-flier miles
What new things are you excited about?
Tim: We get our hair cut at Fringe Hair Art in Kennebunkport. It’s a cool hair salon; super super chic, and Sheryl looks like a fashion model. Working out at Quest. It’s a fitness center right out of Miami Beach.