November 2013


48HRS – Online Photographs + stories by Maine magazine staff: Kevin Thomas       Kevin Thomas, Publisher Tuesday Driving north on I-95 from Portland is a solitary experience. But it’s nothing compared to the final 90 minutes from Pittsfield

Salvage BBQ

Despite its reputation as backyard cuisine, barbecue is one of those things that’s easy to do decently, but very hard to do well. Cook a slab of meat for long enough at low enough heat, and chances are it will

Joe Hill

November 2013 By Katy Kelleher Photograph by Shane Leonard As soon as the writer called Joe Hill began appearing in public, it quickly became clear that he looks an awful lot like that other Maine horror writer. But in order

Bangor, Brewer, + Orono

48 HOURS-November 2013 Photographs + stories by Maine magazine staff: Katy Kelleher + Leanne Ouimet   Katy Kelleher, Online Editor Fall weather is my favorite type of weather, and scary stories are my favorite kind of stories, so it’s with a sense

Elaine G. McGillicuddy

WELLNESS-November 2013 By Sophie Nelson Photographs by Patryce Bak   “the house of our Love” : the joyful remembrances of poet, yoga practitioner, and peacemaker Elaine G. McGillicuddy When you lose someone but you love them with a love that allows

Alan Lishness

PROFILE-November 2013 By Susan Conely Photographs by Greta Rybys   Alan Lishness from the Gulf of Maine Research Institute: “You can get things done in this state. It’s our great advantage.” It’s one of those wooly Maine days when Portland Harbor

Allen Bunker

SEE-November 2013   Allen Bunker’s Maine Feeling 2013, oil on canvas, 11” x 14” “I call my paintings Landscape Allusions. They are not like your typical landscape paintings, but rather they allude to a landscape. The feeling the viewer gets is what

On Charter Schools in Maine

FEATURE-November 2013 By Susan Conley Photographs by Matt Cosby “The promise of public charter schools is legit. And the threat is legit. It depends on how you do it.” —John D’Anieri, Harpswell Coastal Academy     It’s no secret that charter